24 Red Roses
KShs 3,000.00
Send a stunning 24 red roses bouquet for same-day or next-day delivery in Nairobi and major towns across Kenya. Make the world a happier place.
(In Stock)
Capture the essence of love and thoughtfulness by sending a stunning bouquet of 24 red roses to someone special in Nairobi and Kenyan towns. These 24 red roses beautifully express deep affection, perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, or any romantic occasion. Benefit from our affordable and reliable flower delivery service, offering same-day in Nairobi and next-day delivery to major towns in Kenya. As one of the premier flower delivery services in Nairobi, we cater to Flower Shops in Nairobi CBD, ensuring convenience for you. Find the perfect blooms and gifts for your special moments with our range of inexpensive flowers in Nairobi CBD.